>accuracy through physical consistency<
Vienna Bad Gastein Athens

Multi-frequency Single Sheet Tester

The world’s first MF-SST 

for 16 2/3 Hz – 10 000 Hz

       on a 50 cm x 17 cm single sample 

of  electric steel or amorphous ribbon


consistent multi-frequency magnetic loss testing of FeSi + amorphous ribbons


*all materials    
* high f             
*high B               
*high repeatability 
*closest to new standards

CONTENTS – please scroll down/up

Photograph of Apparatus

Uniqueness Table

>>A>> The challenge of MF-SST development

>>B<<  Todays Situation of Standards 

<< C >> The Concept of ViennaMagnetics

<< D >> Advantages of MultiFrequency SST  versus standard current SST

<< E >> Video PLM

<< F >> Options

<< G >> Summary

<< H >> ViennaMagnetics

<< I >> Team

<< J >> Contact

<< K >> Publications

<<L>>  Vienna Magnetics Academy  (Basics, Testing)

Add Your Heading Text Here "Todays Challenge" T

The Only Universal SST Existing       GO-steel NO-steel amorphous ribbon (AR) 
                                      16 2/3 Hz - 10 kHz    up to 1.9 T
Lowest Error Numbers                  repeatability <<1%   reproducibility <1%
Lowest Absolute Uncertainty           estimated 2% for 50 Hz, for GO steel
Optimum Sample Size                   representative length 50cm, width 17 cm
Most Advanced Design                  amorphous single yoke, giant sealed H-coil
                                      precise, automatically manufactured sensor system
Closest To New Standards              IEC SST with H-coil  for electric steel / AR
Best Practical Characteristics        compact (ca. 90cm x 50cm x 20cm)
                                      light (ca. 50 kg)   moveable for service
                                      continuous update
  1. << A >> The Challenge for development of MF-SST was the following:
  • create a candidate for GOLDEN STANDARD
  • for universal use (electric steel + amorphous ribbon; for direct comparison)
  • logical sample size (representative, but compact)
  • full induction range + full frequency range
  • high absolute accuracy, repeatability + reproducibility 
  • comparable and close to novel standardization
  • compact, rapid and affordable

<< B >> Today’s Situation of Standardization


Epstein Tester, sheet format 28 cm x 3 cm,   IEC 60404-2 (1996)

Single Sheet Tester, 50 cm x 50 cm,   IEC 60404-3 (1992)

Single Sheet Tester with H-coil, 50 cm x  >10 cm,   IEC WG-2 N336B, in discussion (2023) 

Single Sheet Tester with H-coil for AR, 25 cm x 25 cm,   IEC 60404-16 (2018)


<< C >> The Concept of MV-SST

* 1st universal SST (electric steel, amorphous ribbon; direct comparison)

* standard sample length of 50 cm (representative)

* reduced sample width of 17 cm (1/3 of 50 cm; compact, but no annealing needed)

* closest to new standardization

* assessable absolute accuracy (2% electric steel 50/60 Hz, up to 1.8 T;  AR 3%)

* high robustness,  repeatability error <<1%,  reproducibility error 1%

* close to saturation (1.8 T for GO, 1.5 T for NO and AR)

* max. B:  1.9 T for GO, 1.6 T for NO and AR

* 1st SST for all relevant f-range, up to 10 kHz*

<< D >> Advantages of VM Precision Lossmeter versus SST:

  •  extreme reduction of mass (ca. 40 kg) by means of a small , amorphous high frequency yoke
  • reduced size of – desktop-compatible – apparatus to 80 cm x 55 cm x 19 cm, by means of reduced sample width to 17 cm, as being sufficient for the homogeneous structure of modern steel types; sample length of 50 cm, width 17 cm
  • enlarged range of frequency:                                                                                                                                                               50 Hz to 500 Hz for Series Basic                                                                                                                                                         50  Hz to 1000 Hz for Series Standard                                                                                                                                               16 2/3 Hz to 10 000 Hz for Series Extended
  • simplified, extremely rapid test procedures (ca. 10 measurements per minute)
  • automatic scan over induction (over frequency as an option)
  • instantaneous output of results by integrated laptop PC, as well as by A4 protocol printer

    (extra data processing possible via text files)

<< E >> Video PLM

<< F >> Options


  Please ask for options like the following:

  • other sample format (larger / smaller)
  • frequency scan
  • demagnetization program
  • distortion test scan
  • programmable magnetization wave-form*
  • temperature variation tests*
  • university apparatus*
  • research cooperation*
  • giant Epstein frame
  • universal hexagonal RSST

               *) ask for university discount

<< G >> Summary


ViennaMagnetics Lossmeters are compact, simple and rapidly useable desktop apparatuses, for physically correct measurements of magnetic losses of electric steel and amorphous ribbon, for frequencies up to Kilo Hertz, at a compact format of sample sheet.

<< H >> ViennaMagnetics

VM is a high-tech start-up of Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). 

VM takes advantage of 40 years of scientific research, documented by more than 250 publications in the field of Technical Magnetism. VM is a technology leader in magnetic loss measurements, and thus offering itself as a natural partner in this area.

Registered business areas and specific competence: 

* magnetic measurement systems (for losses, magnetostriction, rotational magnetization etc.),

*experimental and numerical analyses, 

* sensors (for magnetism, and for physiology; in particular thin band sensors),

* use of artificial intelligence  (in magnetismus and physiology)

<< I >> Team

Scientific Director      Prof.Dr. Helmut PFÜTZNER

Technical Director       Dr.Georgi SHILYASHKI 

Business Developm. Manager   Dr.Claes BENGTSSON

Chemical Expert                 Lena MELZER M.Sc.

<< J >> Contact:

email: office@viennamagnetics.eu

phone: +43 664 3989299

ViennaMagnetics GmbH, Tabor Strasse  11, 1020 Wien, Austria;

VM Show Rooms in Vienna (see photo) and Bad Gastein (see waterfall), Austria

Address for test samples:   Magnet Test Lab,  VM Pfützner, Bahnhofpl. 2c,  5640 Bad Gastein / Salzburg  (Austria)

Development partner and Agent for Mediterrania + EurAsia: Noratex ABEE, Pallini, noratex.gr (Greece)s

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<< K >> Examples of Corresponding Publications 

H.Pfützner, G.Shilyashki, C.Bengtsson. “Energy loss analyses of amorphous magnetic ribbons by multi-frequency single sheet tester”, AIP Advances (i.p. 2024).

G.Shilyashki, H.Pfützner, C.Bengtsson, T.Okubo. “Physically consistent testing of wide-frequency-band magnetic losses of non-oriented electric steel considering dynamic anisotropy”, AIP Advances 055007, 1-13 (2023).

H.Pfützner, G.Shilyashki, C.Bengtsson, “Physically consistent Multi-frequency magnetic loss testing of silicon steel”, AIP Advances 12, 205208, (2022).

G.Shilyashki, H.Pfützner, M.Giefing, “Giant Epstein Tester for magnetic energy loss measurements of non-anealed domain refined Fe-Si” IEEE Trans.Magn. 58-5, (2022).

G.Shilyashki, H.Pfützner, C.Bengtsson, E.Huber, “Time-averaged and instantaneous magnetic loss characteristics of different products of electrical steel for frequencies of 162/3 Hz up to 500 Hz,” IET El.Pow.Appl. (2022).

H.Pfützner, G.Shilyashki, “Theoretical basis for physically correct measurement and interpretation of magnetic energy losses,” IEEE Trans.Magn. 54, 630020 (2018).

H.Pfützner, G.Shilyashki: “Concept for industrially relevant magnetic power loss measurements by Single Sheet Tester and Epstein Frame Testers,” CIGRE Science & Engineering 9, 95-109 (2017).

H.Pfützner, G.Shilyashki, M.Palkovits, V.Galabov: “Concept for more correct iron losses measurements considering path length dynamics,” Int.J.Appl. Electrom. Mech. 44, 259-270 (2014).

H.Pfützner: “On the determination of magnetic losses from the field quantities (in German),” Arch.El.Techn. 60, 177-179 (1978).

VM-NOTE 1.2.2023 

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